Tuesday, January 26, 2010

7-4 trig cont

There is a practice PPT quiz on Ms. Hale's website if you would like to practice before taking it again. Just click on her name above and you will be taken there or there is a link on the left :D

Friday, January 22, 2010

7-3 January 21/22

I am sorry that the video is not currently working. It seems that Blogger is having issues right now. Hopefully they will fix it shortly. Until then I will just upload the notes as I have in the past. SORRY!

Mrs. G

Enjoy WATCHING Class

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Square Root Worksheets finally available!!

If you need to do the worksheets you no longer have to wait to come get the missing assignment. Now you can just click on the image below and then print! Enjoy!