Wednesday, October 21, 2009

5th, 6th, 7th Period 10-21

Assignment: Worksheet 3-3 with pg 137 #32 on the back

10-21 1st Period

Took notes on Parallel lines with a transversal
Page 136; 14-24, 32

Monday, October 19, 2009


Periods 1-3 all late work due on THURSDAY OCTOBER 22

Periods 5-7 all late work due on FRIDAY OCTOBER 23



Please remember that we will be reviewing on Tuesday and we will have the test on Wednesday. We are doing + - x / fractions. Please be prepared with your multiplication chart!!!!!!

10-19 Geometry

Today's notes

Today's Assignment: PG 129 22-46 Evens. Remember to right down the problem!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Geometry Thurs/Fri 8/9

Blue 2-7 Worksheet AND
Page 104; 19, 21, 22, 23

Here are some tips for the proofs:
1: Midpoint means AB=BC, use substitution a lot
2. Look at the proof in your notes from Wednesday
19. Use a property (its a short proof)
21. A LOT like #1 on the worksheet
22. Similar to #18 from Wednesdays assignment
23. Add something to both sides

Good Luck, shoot me an email if you have questions and I will try to remember to check my email this weekend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 7th

Geometry: Page 103; 4-6, 12-18. Make sure you draw the figure to go with the proof on #18

Algebra 2nd Period: Finish the LCM worksheet

Algebra 3rd Period: Extra Credit due in class on Thursday

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Geometry Oct 6th

5, 6, 7th periods:
1 Given 8 = (7x+4)/4
Prove: x = 4

2.Given x - 5/3 = 1/3
Prove x = 2

Monday Oct 5th

Page 98; 25, 27, 28, 29

Adding Fractions Worksheet Due on Tuesday the 6th

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wed Sept 30 Geometry

If you were absent make sure you get the notes to put in your mini spiral.

Assignment: Page 97; 22-24 all
Make sure you write down the question AND the answer!

Have a great 4 day weekend :D